If I look back at my career and could do one thing differently what would I have done? That is a question we all ask ourselves at various stages in our lives. I have often thought about this and one thing stands out; seeking out a mentor.
I never had that one person who I could go to for advise and counsel, someone who truly cared about me. Yes I had my father and my brother but that’s family. There were so many instances in my career where I could have used the guidance of someone experienced and successful.
So, do YOU have a mentor? Who’s your Rabbi?
Everyone needs a mentor, especially salespeople. There are so many emotional ups and downs that salespeople go through, so much we have to learn and so many questions we need answers to. Wouldn’t it be great to have to have a mentor to help and advise with all?
Now its not as easy as one might think to find a mentor especially the right mentor. We can’t just go up to the top salesperson in your industry or agency and ask ‘can you be my mentor’?
Here’s a few suggestions; Seek someone
- you admire and look up to
- who’s inspirational and passionate
- who’s older, experienced and successful
- who’s approachable and volunteers their time to help others
- who was recommended by your manager or others you know
Ok, before taking the next step you must be aware a mentorship is a two way relationship. You must fulfill their requirements as well. A mentor will look for someone who,
- Doesn’t take advantage of their time
- Willingly and unquestionably follows through and implements their advise
- Is eager to improve, learn and grow
- Has already achieved some level of success
- Will also add value to their lives
Even if all the above seems good, it doesn’t necessarily mean it will work. Mentorship is just like any relationship. It doesn’t happen overnight. It takes time to grow.
My suggestion, start slowly. Once you identified someone, politely ask a question or seek advise on a topic. Then if it seems right do it again sometime later. You might find that they start to seek you out to see how you are doing and if they can continue to help.
Like everything, it probably wont happen overnight and it does take time. However the rewards of finding the right mentor can be huge. In some instances it can directly lead to incredible success and fulfillment.
Keep in mind ‘older’ successful entrepreneurs want to help others as they see themselves in you. In can be as rewarding to them as it is for you.
Lastly, please remember if are not willing to follow their advise in a timely manner do not waste their time.
So if who’s your Rabbi going to be?
As always thanks for reading and all feedback and comments are very much appreciated

Tips from this article
All salespeople can benefit from a mentor/rabbi
Don’t waste their time unless you are willing to follow their advise
Finding the right mentor can be a huge factor in your success
A mentor relationship can be extremely rewarding to both