You Have Infinite Power
Personal Coaching

The Power of Possibility

Based on the best-selling novel, “YOU Have Infinite Power,” this customized program is made up of 15 personal calls and one private in-person session. You Have Infinite Power personal coaching is designed to condition you for unbridaled personal and professional success as you:

  • Experience breakthroughs and unearth the reasons why you do what you do.
  • Identify deep-seeded limiting beliefs.
  • Replace limiting beliefs with empowered beliefs.
  • Define your life’s purpose.
  • Establish your four core areas of life that need focus.
  • Set meaningful, attainable life goals.
  • Learn to meditate and how integrate it into your daily life for lasting results.
  • Define your Worthy Ideal.

What Is Your Worthy Ideal?

Your personal coaching program will focus on establishing your Worthy Ideal—something much bigger than a singular goal—it is your mentality, your lifestyle. It is why you should do what you do every day. Your Worthy Ideal should drive every decision you make, every goal you set, every action you take. Your Worthy Ideal is your life goal.

Nelson Mandela’s Worthy Ideal was human rights. Martin Luther King Jr.’s was civil rights. Gloria Steinem's was equality for women in the workplace. You get the picture—it’s the big picture.

This is a huge undertaking to fully comprehend. We’ll help you define Worthy Ideal, and instill practices that will keep you focused on it and help you attain it day after day.

Who Benefits From Personal Coaching?

  • Visionaries.
  • Entrepreneurs.
  • Motivated business owners.
  • Professionals looking to advance their careers.
  • Those seeking help with work-life balance, guidance, and purpose.

Live Purposefully. Sign Up Today.

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