I got a Solution
Sorry for the ‘in your face’ NY attitude. I just wanted to get your attention. Did it work?
We all have problems. I can’t tell you how many times the word Problem or as I call it the ‘P word’ comes out of my client’s mouth. Everywhere we go, no matter who we are with inevitably the P word comes out.
The P word is so deeply imbedded in our subconscious mind we don’t even realize we are saying it. Everything is a problem. It’s so pervasive and it’s so debilitating.
Why do you think most of hated doing math homework? Because we had to solve math PROBLEMS. Shouldn’t they call it math Challenges instead?
Think about how you feel when you have a problem? Are you happy and excited? Of course not. Are you stressed, anxious, fearful, Yes! Do you like feeling that way? No! Is there a better way? YES!
So let me ask you another question, how do you feel when you have a challenge? Excited, inspired and energized. When in that positive state you’re ready to tackle the challenge head on. With the P word you become indecisive and procrastinate.
Again it’s a state of mind.
Congratulations you’ve just learned the first step in solving your problems; Eliminate the word and substitute ‘challenge’ instead.
But we’re not done yet, kimosobe.
Step 2: Find the Opportunity
In every challenge there is an Opportunity. How do I know? Albert Einstein said it. ‘in the middle of difficulty lies opportunity’.
There is no doubt there exists an opportunity in every challenge you have, just find it. You’re stuck in traffic? Use it as an opportunity to call you kids, your mom or that client you’ve been trying to reach.
Step 3: Create Action Steps to Seize the Opportunity
Let say you have a challenge speaking with high net worth clients. What’s the opportunity? Grow your business and increase your production substantially.
So you need to create specific actions steps to seize the opportunity. Perhaps
• Increase your product knowledge
• Seek out a peer who has high net worth clientele
• Speak to high net worth person you know and ask for their guidance
• Network
• Host a client event where you are in your element
Step 4: Follow Through and Implement
You’ve gotten this far don’t waste all your effort. Follow through with your action steps. Hold yourself accountable each and every day. Have a no excuse mentality
Step 5: Reap the Benefits and Results
When you do all the above what kind of results would you get? How would you feel?
See what happens by simply eliminating the ‘P word’ and substituting ‘challenge’ instead?
Until Next Time
Tips from this article
Follow the 5 steps to solve any ‘Problem’
Eliminate the ‘P’ Word, Substitute with the word ‘Challenge’
Find the Opportunity
Create Action Steps to seize the Opportunity
Reap the benefits