The Best Way EVER to Ask and Get Referrals! Pt. III

In Power Sales by Rick Wollman4 Comments

Ok, you’ve made it this far. Nice Job. However you have one last important step. Capitalizing on the referrals you’ve gotten by getting appointments. After all what good is it if you did all the previous steps but never got appointments out of it?

I know I’ve given you a lot so far, so let’s sum up everything to this point.

Step 1

You congratulated them, peaked their interest and asked the benefit question

Step 2

Reinforced the benefits and gave your client the others they missed

Step 3

The referral question

Step 4

Ask for and write down the names

Ok, let’s continue

I have often found that after sales people get referrals everything seems to fall apart. They call the referral and the following happens and none are good.

  • ‘Who told you to call me?’
  • A very awkward conversation that usually ends with
    1. Call me in a couple of months
    2. I’m all set (I have your product or service)
    3. Now’s not a good time
  • You get voice mail and keep chasing after them

How excited are you to pick up the phone with those results? Wouldn’t it be great if the referral not only knows you’re going to reach out to them but are also excited to hear from you? Wouldn’t that be AWESOME?

Well, now you are ready for the last two steps in my 5 Minute Referral Presentation

Step 5The Referral Introduction Email                                                      Green 5 II    

When you get the referral names put the client at ease by saying,

Susan/John I have found in the past that my clients sometimes forget or are a little uncomfortable introducing me to people. So I have made it real easy for my clients to do so. My clients really love this. I created this email introduction.” (Show it to the client)

Then tell the client the following

  • You will email it to them
  • Feel free to change a few of the words
  • Simply copy, paste and email to them
  • Make sure they copy you on the email

Remember its not what you say it’s HOW you say it. Do so with confidence. Make it seem like all your other clients do this with ease.

Here is the referral email. I must thank a few of my clients; John and Rebecca who were gracious enough to allow me to share this with you. (I did change a little of the wording)

Dear ______,

I am writing this short email to introduce you to Rebecca. Working with Rebecca has made a major difference in my family’s financial life. Rebecca has educated me about all things to do with money and has helped me finally organize my complete finances.

It is not often that I provide such an email introduction, however, I feel strongly about the work that I am doing with Rebecca; it has impacted the structuring of my financial affairs and I want you to know how important it is for you to take the time and speak with her.  Rebecca is not interested in replacing any of your current advisors, only to offer new and unique strategies to help you be better financially.

I have copied Rebecca on this email and he will get in touch with you shortly.

The above removes all the objections and makes it so easy and makes the introduction so seamless and friendly.

Step 6 – Your Follow up Email                                              Green 6

Ok, you’ve gotten this far. Don’t blow it now by sending the wrong email to the referral. Please think very hard about the wording. This is the very first   contact you have with the referral. You really only have one chance.

Do Not

  • Try to sell them
  • Send a lengthy wordy email
  • Talk about yourself


  • Be brief and to the point
  • Compliment them
  • Let them know all you want to do is have a nice, relaxed conversation

You now have my 5 Minute (Kick Butt) Referral Presentation

This is pure POWER SALES! It has been my pleasure to share this with you; however I ask a few things in return.

  • Please rehearse, practice and use it
  • Yes, feel free to adapt it to your personality
  • Let me know how you did

I want to hear back from you. Give me feedback, comments. Let me know I’m not just posting into space. When I hear from my readers it gives me fuel to keep doing this and providing free value.

Tips from this article

  • Make share you have the referral email handy to show client
  • Revise only slightly if needed
  • Remind client to copy you on the referral introduction emails
  • Follow the do’s and don’ts of follow-up email to referral


  1. Rick,

    I like your referal e-mail. I have been using Jack Howleys and your is just a little different. I do think where i might be able to use some work is on the follow-up e-mail to create interest in having a quick call. I will give yours a shot and let you know how i do.

    1. Author

      Hi Steve

      Thanks for posting. The referral presentation has worked for many salespeople. However as you know there are others that work as well. Use what you feel most confident in. Let me know how you did


  2. Hey Rick:

    Do you have a quick, right to the point, example of an email that you would send out? I am referring to part 6, the final part of the process.



  3. Author

    Here’ something you can send to the referral

    Hi Joe,

    Lisa has told me great things about you. I’d love to grab a few minutes and have a nice relaxed conversation. I think we both will find it beneficial and enjoyable.

    Please give me some choices of days and times that are good.

    Looking forward to hearing back from you


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