NOTE: I always use client rather than prospect. It gets you in the right frame of mind as you are assuming prospects will become clients. I have one of my clients to thank for that.
When picking up the phone to call a client do you know what your objective is? Do you know what your outcome should be? Same question when going to see a client (prospect), do you know what your objective is? Do you know what your outcome should be?
Many salespeople, even the experienced successful ones, do not know the difference between their objective and their outcome. Furthermore, what’s worse is most salespeople don’t even have an objective or outcome.
I cannot begin to tell you how important it is to have an objective and outcome for every phone call you make and every client meeting you go on. It is absolutely crucial.
- It keeps you laser focused, on track and in control
- Shortens your sales cycle from first meeting to close
- Allows you to stay within your Sales Process (see next post)
Difference between Objective vs Outcome
In my post about Phone Reluctance I asked, “What is your objective for calling a client? (prospect).” Most salespeople would say getting an appointment, right? I disagree. Your objective should be to inspire the client, develop rapport and provide free value. Your outcome is getting the appointment.
Simply put, Objective: is about your client
Outcome: is selfishly about you.
Let’s use another example. Using the above distinction, what would be your objective on a first meeting with a client? What would be your outcome? Put some thought into this.
My View:
Objective: To inspire, impact, provide free value and build rapport and trust
Outcome: Have them commit to your sales process and set a 2nd appointment (of course if you can close that’s great). For those in financial services, perhaps it’s getting their complete financial information.
See the difference? Knowing your objective and outcome beforehand keeps you laser focused on the task at hand. It trims all the fat. You know what you want to accomplish and eliminates everything else.

Tips from this article
- Knowing youf objective and outcome keeps you laser focused, shortens your sales cycle and allows you to be in control
- Objective is about your client, outcome is selfishly about you
- Set an objective and outcome for every call you make and ever meeting you have