As previously mentioned there are a ‘gazillion’ salespeople in the US (approximately 23 million). There are a plethora of websites, blogs, advisors, and coaches that offer advice and training. I am not trying to attract every sales person out there, nor am I even attempting to imply that I am an expert in all. (Although I do agree that many basic principles of sales are applicable to all areas)
So I would like to narrow the field considerably by focusing on my area of expertise, my passion and my unique ability; direct sales to the consumer, or more specifically the financial services and insurance salesperson. I’m eliminating the stock brokers per say and focusing on those that primarily see their clients face to face.
There are over 700,000 of you out there so I think that’s plenty. Now don’t get me wrong, I am sure a lot of what I will be writing (blogging) about will most definitely help other salespeople. So please be my guest and follow along.
I would like to further narrow the field by focusing on the salespeople with these 7 specific qualities;
- This is your primary full time career
- You are in it for the long term
- You have a ‘burning’ desire to succeed
- You are serious
- You have confidence in your product or service
- You care about your clients/you act in their best interest
- You act with integrity at all times
The above qualities are very important to me as they should be for you. There’s nothing wrong with being a part time salesperson, but the powerful tools and principles I will be sharing are geared to the full timer who is in it for the long term. To be perfectly honest I also prefer not to waste my time with salespeople who are not serious and who do not have a desire to succeed. Furthermore, if you do not possess the last two qualities above please do the rest of us a favor and find another career.
Yes I will be speaking my mind and I won’t be bashful. I do this because I love the industry of sales and I have so much respect for salespeople. There is no other industry that faces rejection more than us. We’ve taken a beating over the years because of unscrupulous individuals who will do and say anything to make sale. So if you’re one of them, please seek advice elsewhere.
I have learned the hard way in my 30+ years’ experience, dealing with dishonest unscrupulous professionals. On the other hand I have also been fortunate with my company Empowered Mastery to have partners that are honest, caring and act with respect and integrity at all times. I learned from them how important and fulfilling it is to live a life of integrity. So if you do not have it, I urge you to go seek it.
Enough of the negativity, let’s move on to the rest of us.
If you’re a salesperson in the Financial Services/Insurance field and have the above 7 characteristics, then I’m all in. I’m here for you, I want to help. I want to give back because I truly care. Most of all it is my Worthy Ideal to inspire and impact sales professionals to achieve ULTIMATE success personally, professionally, physically and spiritually so they can live a life full of passion and purpose.
That is WHY I do what I do and why I doing this Power Sales Blog.

Tips from this article
- Truly care about your clients
- Act with integrity at all times; you’ll sleep better
- Know WHY you do what you do
- This Blog is mainly for Financial Services/Insurance, but also any salesperson that has a desire to be better
sound great