Sick of the constant negativity…here’s how to change it

In Blackbelt in Business by Chris Berlow1 Comment

Here comes another venting session!!!!

Wow, I am disgusted of what his happening in our country right now. How many of you are completely done with all the negativity out there. Are any of you sick of the heated political garbage flying around? Isn’t it crazy on how many people have something to say about everything. Worse yet, what about the negativity all over the world. The crazy amount of terrorists attacks, mass shootings, police shootings with lives being lost everywhere. Horrible, isn’t it.

I used to really love looking at Facebook. For me, it was a place to connect and reconnect with friends and hear what others are doing in their lives. It seems as of late it has turned into an influx of negative topics trending all over cyber space. Society has become so attached to the social media venues where the negativity is now always in front of you. It’s like a bad relationship you can’t escape from. Grabbing your smart phone is a habit and ingrained in our subconscious. How many of you wake up and the first thing you do is look at your phone? Thought so. Is there anyone out there who is feeling as I do, or is it just me? If you feel a little the way I do, read on!

Funny, many years ago I made a commitment to not watch the news on television due to the negative nature. (Negativity sells so that’s what seems to be always on) Now that facebook has become a huge news venue, I am seeing all the news that I really don’t desire to see.

See, there are two topics that we at Empowered Mastery will never discuss when we speak at seminars or workshops; religion and politics. Both topics are extremely sensitive with strong values and have the ability to create heated conversations, debates and arguments. I have seen time and time again where relationships are destroyed because a difference of political and religious views. Who has seen this before…

“If you are supporting ____________, be sure to unfriend me”.

Wow, political views are more important than friendships; when and how in the world did that happen?

Ok, so do you want to make a change in what’s happening out there? I have a few ideas and insights that you could do to make the positive changes we all want. Before I do, I must suggest that you to have a bit of an open mind.

The Law of Vibration otherwise known as The Law of Attraction

I believe that if we understand the universal law of vibration which states that everything in existence has a particular vibratory rate, people would have a little more self control regarding sensitive topics. Here’s how I look at it. Every thought we have sends a signal to the universe. The thought (signal) looks for other similar signals and become attracted to one another. Are you with me still?

Answer this for me…Have you ever walked in a room with people you didn’t know and feel very comfortable like you just belong? Or maybe you walked in and felt extremely uncomfortable? That is because you are living at the same or different vibratory rate or frequency as the group. It’s kind of like a radio station, you’re either tuned into the same frequency or different. In any event, like energy will attract like energy regardless if it is negative or positive.

Here’s another example. Have you ever thought of a friend that you haven’t heard from in a while and then all of a sudden they appear in your world? That has happened to me more times than I can count. OK, here’s more. Have you ever had a bad day get worse throughout the day or a good day continue to get better as the day went on? Has that ever happened? Well, it is not by accident but by the vibratory rate you are currently existing on.

Point is, we have the ability to attract more of what we want in our lives through our thoughts. If you are sending out positive thoughts, and feeling positive it is highly likely you will attract positive back. If you focus on the negative, it is likely you will bring more negative into your life. If you notice, negative people tend to attract more negative and always have something to complain about. Positive people tend to attract more positive and have a lot more to be more grateful for. Believe me, this is not by accident.

You may wonder what does this have to do with the negativity all over the place? I say a lot! It is a major contributor of what is going on. I believe that so many people are focusing heavily on what they don’t want and are playing into the traps of master marketers. There is a lot of attention; negative and positive in the direction of the political race right now and it is mind boggling. I am writing this at the time of the Republican National Convention where Donald Trump’s wife Melania Trump is being accused of plagiarizing Michelle Obama’s speech. Now, I am definitely not saying I support one candidate over the other or any political party. Trust me, I wouldn’t dare go there. What I am saying is that this was a masterful plan that thousands upon thousands of people have fallen right into the attention trap. Why, because there is tremendous attention and energy going in the direction of Trump and this only adds fuel to the already blazing fire. Honestly, negative or positive attention doesn’t really matter, it is the fact that they are attracting the massive amounts of attention that matters.

On the other side, look at Hillary Clinton who has been accused of lying and fraud amongst other negative acts, yet she is still the democratic presidential candidate. It’s kind of crazy if you think of it. I vividly remember when Bill Clinton was working towards his presidency, he was surrounded by drama and scandal as well. He attracted a ton of attention and ended up becoming President of the United States. Time and time again history shows that the more attention and energy goes in a specific direction, the more powerful the person, ideology or belief becomes. Getting the attention is what matters, not whether it is positive or negative.

positive-focusWith that said, I urge anybody who wants to change what is going on in the world to stop putting so much energy and attention to what they don’t want and focus more on what they do want. Look, being informed is always good but inundating yourself into the business of manipulative marketing and negativity is causing harm for yourself while increasing the energy to the issues that you don’t want. Here are four things you could personally do to reduce the the negativity currently trending in our society, community and world.

1. Keep things positive: If you are for something or against something, focus clearly on what you are for or what you want and refrain from putting energy to what you don’t want. There is a very powerful saying, “The mind cannot process a negative”. This means if you give attention to what you don’t want, you will attract what you don’t want. For example, if you say; “I just don’t want to get sick”. Chances are, you may end up getting sick because you are focusing on what you don’t want. Has that every happened to you? Change things around and say, “I am healthy and feel great!”, you will most likely remain healthy. The power of intention is incredible. Think about it, isn’t that how goals are met?

2. Refrain from engaging: My goodness, personal relationships are so much more important than differences of opinion. If you see a debate on a topic on social media, let it go. You have your opinions and feelings and that is great. The inability to respect others opinions only causes heated debates and escalates into a negative outcome. Stay away from the trap and move on to something positive. Energy going to what you don’t want is wasting away your most valuable resource; your mental energy. Wouldn’t it be much better spent on something more beneficial to yourself or loved ones.

3. Be grateful: OK, have you ever found yourself in a negative place? So many times I hear from clients that ______________ is not in a good place. Well, the easiest, fastest and most effective way to get out of a negative state is to focus on what you are grateful for. There are so many gifts that we all have in our lives. When you take a moment to count your blessings and appreciate all you have, it is inevitable that you will feel better. If it doesn’t happen right away, pull out a piece of paper and pencil and write down ten things that you are grateful for and you will feel better. Try it, it works!

4. Agree to disagree: Again, there are so many controversial topics all over the world and so many people are set in their beliefs. That’s ok; you are entitled to what you believe and I respect that. I do however do not feel it is right to force your belief on others. A friendly debate is ok and somewhat exciting at times. There has to be a point where you say, “I appreciate your perspective, I hope you appreciate mine, let’s agree to disagree”. Again, no personal relationship is worth risking over issues you don’t have direct control over.

In closing, I know some people may not go for this kind of stuff and that’s ok! My intention is to plant the seed for everyone to calm down just a bit. To realize that if you want to make a change, focus on what you want and keep away from what you don’t want. It eliminates a lot of stress in doing so. Negative energy is till energy moving where it is intended. Wishing negative on others or bringing attention to what you don’t want will only strengthening their movement. Remember, energy flows where attention goes. Very powerful but true. You want to make a difference in an issue; put your attention to the results you wish to happen and you will be positively contributing to your cause.

If anyone has any comments, please feel free to do so and I will be sure to follow up. If you would like any additional information on any of Empowered Mastery programs or would like to send me a personal email, please contact me at

With great respect,

Chris Berlow

P.S. Don’t forget to download our FREE Healthy You Toolbox.  It will help you get a jump start on living a healthy lifestyle, both physically and mentally .  


  1. Thank you Sir for this post. As I am dealing with a lot of issues in moving my business forward, these steps will help me to keep my clarity and be above the storm. I know that every complex issue is just a series of simple (individual) ones and need to be addressed individually. Keeping my head together is the major part of the battle. Always onward and upward!

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