The BEST Investment You Will Ever Make
What do all successful advisors have that most others don’t?
Who can dramatically increase your business quickly?
Who can relieve your stress and allow you to be more productive immediately?
Is it
a. an Assistant?
b. an Assistant?
c. an Assistant?
e. all the above?
If you answered an Assistant congratulations, you are correct. If you already have an assistant, great. If you have a qualified admin, step to the head of the class. If you have a team of qualified admins, perhaps you should be writing this post.
I cannot even begin to tell you how important it is to hire an assistant. Yes I know the reasons why most hesitate;
- Cant afford one now/I’ll wait until I get more business
- Don’t have enough work for them to do
- Too time consuming to train
- Not sure how to find one
Yes I do understand the above and I am not mitigating anyone’s financial situation, but the benefits are so overwhelmingly positive that it makes all the above mute. Here’s why
1. Eliminates most of the dreaded paperwork, which we all know how much advisors love
2. Frees up at least 30% of your time so you can focus on seeing clients
3. Keeps you organized, focused and on track
4. Handles emails, inquiries and assist with clients
5. Intuitively knows what you need and when you need it
I saved the best benefit for last – an admin will do all the above for mere pennies on the dollar. It is simply the most cost effective decision you will ever make in your career!
My client Rich from MA says it best, ‘my admin allows me to focus on going from one appointment to the next without speeding’
End result – increases your productivity while eliminating your stress.
Now honestly how much is that worth? Still don’t believe me? Ok, lets do the math.
How many clients do you have? How many hours do you spend on your average case? How much do you earn per case?
Let’s say you see about 20 people per month, have a closing ratio of 50% and you earn an average of say $2,000 per case.
Now imagine if you have 30% more time to see clients. That’s an extra 7 appts per month, 3.5 more clients closed total $7,000 per month.
You can get a good admin for $18 per hour @ 20 hours per week = $360 per month. $360 to earn an extra 7K? That’s a pretty good investment wouldn’t you say?
The above is worst case scenario. Imagine a full time admin freeing up 50% of your time, you close 75% of your cases and your average earnings per case is $5,000? As you love to say to your clients, the numbers are ‘mathematically viable’!
As far as all the other above reasons (excuses) not to hire an admin ……
Not enough work – you don’t think an extra 20 appts a month would generate enough work?
Too much time to train – even if you spend 20 hours to train an admin it’s still well worth it
Not sure how to find the right admin? Well I can definitely help you with that, but….
You’ll have to wait till my next post – My 5 QQT’s.
Yes I’m sure I’m above my word limit, but I hope it was worth it. Thanks for being patient and as always thanks for reading.

Tips from this article
An admin will
- Increase your production with less stress
- Keep you organized, focused and on top of your game
- Free up at least 30% of your time to see more clients
- Be the best investment you will ever make
Great points. I will be sharing this with several of my FR’s.
Hi Tom,
yes, some of your FR’s should take action. As always thanks for reading and posting.