Back again. Almost done. Here’s the last two Magic Marketing Phrases:
BTW, did you use any of my phrases? Has it helped? I’d love to know.
Please post some comments and feedback so that I know I’m not talking to myself. Much appreciated.
Ok, here we go.
Magic Marketing phrase # 4
Always provide FREE value that your Ideal Client can immediately benefit from that directly or indirectly puts money in their pocket that is not product related.
How many times does your client feel you’re trying to sell them something? How many times has your client treated you like an ‘insurance salesperson’, a commodity; or worse, how many times have you felt like an insurance salesperson, or a commodity? How good does that feel?
Next, how many times have you struggled getting an appointment or establishing a rapport? We all have, of course.
I have found the best cure for all the above; provide FREE value to your client. Now I don’t mean the type of FREE value that your Uncle Bill gives you. I mean real FREE value that your client can benefit from.
Everyone loves free value, right? We like it when a realtor gives us tips on how to buy or sell our home? Or an electrician on how we can reduce our heating bills. Or a mechanic on how we can have our car run more efficiently, right? Of course. And how do we feel about that realtor, electrician or mechanic? We begin to trust them and not hesitate to use them when needed.
The same applies to you and your client. Give them FREE value on how they can save money on taxes, or increase their cash flow. Something tangible they can do on their own. But make sure it is not your product or else they will feel you are trying to sell them.
I stress to all my clients, always try to provide FREE value. Your clients will appreciate it, but more importantly, you will feel good. (To practice what I preach – isn’t this Power Sales Blog all about FREE value?)
# 5 – Clients hate to be sold but LOVE to buy
Now this last phrase came from one of my clients, Josef in Brooklyn. I liked it so much I adapted it as my last Magic Marketing phrase.
We all hate to be taken advantage of, but when we find something we love, we want to buy it. So don’t sell your clients, give them reasons to buy. Notice the difference?
Hope you found my ‘5 Magic Marketing Phrases’ helpful. Try them out, and I’m confident you will find they work.
As always thanks for reading. (Hey I stayed under 500 words)

Tips from this article
- Always provide FREE value to your clients; they’ll feel good abut you and you’ll feel good about yourself
- Providing FREE value builds trust and rapport
- Give reasons for your clients to buy, rather then trying to manipulate and sell
Great Stuff…Simplicity at its best!
Glad you found it worthwhile.