This will probably be one of the most valuable posts on my Power Sales Blog. Why?
Because I am going to be talking about a topic that most salespeople are not good at; Marketing. As mentioned in a previous post (Become Your Clients one and ONLY Choice)
When you just sell you only reach the person you are speaking to, when you market, you can reach the masses at one time.
My fellow readers I cannot even begin to tell you how important it is to market yourselves effectively. As discussed previously we all know the reasons why salespeople don’t focus on marketing.
No worries, I’m here to help, and I’m here to make it easy for you. I am going to share with you the most important marketing tools you will probably ever learn. Better yet it’s very easy to understand and implement.
Rick’s 5 Magic Marketing Phrases
1. Prospects buy on emotion and justify their purchase with logic
Most salespeople make the mistake of getting right into their product or worse yet, go on and on about themselves. Once you lead with WHAT you do for a living you become just another commodity. Do you want to be like everyone else?
First and foremost you must connect with your client emotionally; you must establish rapport and trust. Once you do, everything else goes smoothly and your product almost becomes irrelevant.
My partner Nick says it best, ‘a lot of my clients buy from me just because. They just want to be associated with me, they feel my energy, my passion, my confidence’.
Now when they become clients, then extoll all the virtues about you and your product. That’s when they want to hear about it so they can justify their purchase.
2. Clients don’t give a s… what you do for a living they only care what you can do for them
Stop talking about yourself and what you do. Nobody cares.
You know how to get rid of that annoying person at a party/networking event that won’t stop talking? Tell them you sell insurance. You’ll see how quickly they find an excuse to leave.
Your clients are selfish, they are so tired of being solicited and sold.
So let’s say you’re at a party, or your kid’s soccer game or at a social event and you’re around people who don’t know each other. What’s the most common question people ask?
What do you do for living? How many times are you asked that question? How many times have you been asked that question?
Do you know what the person is really asking you?
Please, please, please tell me something interesting, something I care about, so I have a reason to talk to you and a reason to stay at this boring social gathering.
Isn’t that really what you want to hear when you ask someone you just met what they do for a living? Think about it, you have just been given permission to engage and MARKET YOURSELF!
Do you know how many salespeople waste this incredible opportunity? How many times have you resorted to the standard boring answer, ‘I’m a financial planner?’
So what should your reply be? How can you capitalize on this opportunity? Well yes, as I’m sure you’ve come to know, you have check out my future post when I talk about ‘Elevator Pitches’.
And while I’m at it, yes I have run out of space on this post. So I will continue with the 3rd and THE most important Magic Marketing Phrase you will ever learn. I promise that 99% of you have never heard this one before.
Stay tuned for my next post ‘My 5 Magic Marketing Phrases Pt. II.

Tips from this article
- When you just sell you only reach the person you are speaking to, when you market, you can reach the masses at one time.
- Clients buy on emotion and justify their purchase with logic
- Nobody gives a s… what you do for living, they only care about what you can do for them
Another valuable blog. Thanks. I will look forward to the next blog on “elevator pitches”. This is still an area of challenge for me. I know that you and I have spent a lot of time and energy on this, but it still gives me trouble. The “you know how people struggle with…..? Well, what I do is…..” does not seem comfortable for me.
I hope to pick up another idea or two from the blog.
Hi Milt,
there are many different ways to go. The most successful Elevator Pitches are those where the person is comfortable and confident delivering. Suggestion; eliminate the first part ‘do you know how’ and try going with ‘What I do is’. See if that works for you
As always thanks for your feedback