I thought I would change things up a bit and talk about something that all of us should have in our lives; GRATITUDE. Before I start I would like to give a ‘shout out’ to my client Milt in Western NY who suggested I post this.
It’s perfect timing because this past weekend I was at my son Max’s Ithaca College graduation. The commencement speaker was Olympic gold medalist Meghan Musnicki. I was sitting way in the back (Bob Uecker seats for you sports fans) in the hot 85 degree sun with thousands of people. Megan was introduced and I did not know who she was, but I was hoping she would say something interesting.
All of a sudden she started talking about how important it is to be grateful. My ears perked up.
Every one of us should have something we should be thankful for. Check that, all of us should have a lot of things we should be thankful for.
Gratitude is a state of mine, it is like an attitude. One can also have an attitude of jealousy, an attitude of anger, an attitude of depression or unhappiness.
I know what those are like, because I experienced all those negative attitudes. What’s worse, I did not really know I was in that mindset. I didn’t even know what gratitude was about or how powerful an attitude of gratitude can be.
My level of awareness increased tremendously through my company Empowered Mastery and the disciplines my partner’s Chris and Paul live through each day. They opened my eyes to realize how much I had to be grateful for not only in the present but in the future as well.
It was so powerful to me that Chris and Paul actually created a pop-up banner showing me with the words I AM GRATEFUL. It really did change my perspective and outlook on life. I realized now that no matter how bad things might get I still have a lot to be grateful for.
So what does or what can this mean to you?
As salespeople, we ride that ‘emotional roller-coaster’ and when we are down we feel the pain, when we are in a slump we start questioning ourselves and we start going to the ‘dark side’ as my partner Chris likes to say.
During these times, just remember how much you have to be grateful for, how much love we have in our lives. Hug you kids, your spouse, your significant other. Spend time with your dog or cat. Go for a nice long walk and breathe in the fresh air.
As we all know we are in this live for a very short time. Enjoy it.

Tips from this article
We all have something to be thankful for
Appreciate the good we have in our lives
Live with an Attitude of Gratitude
I’m grateful for Rick Wollman!
right back at you Jim
Empowered Mastery definitely assisted in the growth of my attitude towards gratitude, discipline, and awareness – Thank you!
Our pleasure. You and your brother definitely have a phenomenal attitude and mindset
Rick… I’m grateful to have you and your empowered mastery team to provide reminders of the things we often take for granted.
thanks for the kind words
By far one of the best and most powerful exercises Paul assigned to me was to start a gratitude journal and to state all that I am grateful for first thing each morning! Great post Rick…thank you!
Yes Paul is the one who told me all about a Gratitude Journal and its benefits. It is such an empowering and fun activity to do with a significant other or on your own.