Ok, hopefully you’ve read my previous post, ‘Referrals, Read This’. (If not click here). I was a little cranky and critical of you guys and gals in my last post. You know I love all of you, so I’m going to make it up to you. I’m going to give you the best way EVER to ask and get referrals.
As you know, I’ve been in and around salespeople for over 30 years. I must have heard and tried dozens of ways to ask for and get referrals. Some have worked, some didn’t. But like most of us we are always looking for that one magical way that gets results all the time.
In my previous post I stated that asking for and getting referrals is a state of mind. Now assume you have that state of mind, what’s next?
The referral presentation I am about to give you came about several years ago from an innocuous conversation I had with a client who went through one of Empowered Mastery’s coaching programs. I point this out because you never know where your next idea comes from. (Yes, you should always, always always stay in touch with your clients.)
He told me to listen to a video from Dan Allison about referrals. Did you ever watch, read or listen to someone and it resonated with you right way? Well the same happened with Dan Allison’s video. (BTW, if you haven’t watched his videos you really should.)
I took Dan’s methodology, mixed it in with my own and boom, the creation of my 5 Minute Referral Presentation. I have since used this with all my coaching clients and they love it. Most importantly, it really works.
This presentation has two parts:
- The Benefit Question
- The Referral Question
Now, before I start, let’s take a couple of steps back. Yes, I know once again I’m dangling that carrot and taking it away. But it’s really, really important that you know and understand the thought process of this 5 Minute Referral Presentation. I promise it’s worth it.
Let me start with a question, When is the best time to ask for referrals? Think before you answer.
Some will say whenever you can. Others when you develop rapport and still others say when you make a sale.
It is my strong believe that the best time to ask for referrals is when the client is in a peak state. And the start of that peak state begins when the client gives you a check.
NOTE: I am of the belief that we should only ask for referrals from existing clients. Reason being, usually the first question a referee will ask is if you’ve done business with the person who referred them. When it’s no, then it’s an uphill battle for you.
It is my strong believe that the best time to ask for referrals is when the client is in a peak state. And the start of that peak state begins when the client gives you a check.
Notice I said ‘begins’. When your client gives you a check, we all assume that they love what they bought and understand and remember all the benefits. But in actuality is this really true? Could they possible understand and remember all the benefits? (especially if its Whole Life Insurance) Heck how could they if you yourself don’t remember all the benefits. (that is another of my pet peeves… shoot Rick keep it positive here).
The best way to get a client in the highest peak state possible is to have him/her give you the benefits of what you’ve done for them. This way you will know for sure if they understand and remember them all.
But like everything else, it’s not what you say; it’s how you say it!
Step 1
As soon as the client gives you that check, shake their hand, look them right in the eye and say with enthusiasm, “Congratulations on taking the necessary step to insure you and your family’s financial future. How do you feel?”
Then say, “Mary, Joe this is one of my favorite parts and I do this with all my clients (get their interest peaked). Please tell me all the benefits of what we accomplished here together. (Key words; accomplished and together).
Step 2
Whatever they say, expound and reinforce how important it was for them.
When they are done, remind them of other benefits. This is a HUGE opportunity for you.
- Reinforces all the benefits and value you have given them
- Gives them clarity on things they might not have understood
- It substantially decreases the chances they might cancel or renege on what they bought
- You get to tout your services
- Puts them in a peak state about you and the services you provided
ok, I’m sure you would agree that now your client is excited and in that peak state, right? How do you like this so far/ It’s going to get even better
Please go to Part 2 of this post; The Best Way EVER to Ask and Get Referrals!

Tips from this article
- Ask for referrals when your client is in a peak state
- Have them give you the benefits of what you just did together
- Reinforce those benefits
- Let them know the other benefits they missed