You Know How Much You Know When You Realize How Much You Don’t Know. Say that five times fast…Crazy isn’t it but I personally don’t think I have heard any statement in my life that holds so much truth as this one. “You know how much you know when you realize how much you don’t know. Have you ever noticed …
I Have No Competition
Are you competitive? I know I certainly am. I have competed in Taekwondo Competitions since 1983 and still have a strong desire to get back in the ring. I have been a competitive mountain biker, winning the NY State series in the category two division for my age group. I have run numerous half marathons, a full marathon, three Ragnar …
A checklist that will take your business to the next level!
Do you know what it means to be a black belt? Interestingly, the title of this blog is “Black Belt in Business” with the purpose of applying Black Belt values to your business. Well, what exactly are Black Belt values? To become a black belt takes years of hard work and dedication, for many it will take literal blood, sweat …
Earn the Right
Happy New Year! I bet you are ready to take the bull by the horns and make 2016 the best year ever. Correct? We all start the new year re-energized full of new hopes, dreams and ambitions. We look at the new year as a clean slate where anything and everything is possible. Well, since you already have that mindset, …