Why did you become a salesperson? How did you get into the industry? Was it your first job out of college? Did you follow your father, mother, relative or friend? Or perhaps like me when you graduated college you saw an ad in a newspaper that promised ‘Rewarding career, be your own boss, unlimited income’ Or was it the only …
My Promises
As mentioned and as you know full well, there are so many ways that salespeople can seek advice. Blogs like mine are just one of the many needles in a huge haystack. I have a deep profound respect for my peers who take the time to give back to their profession. I would like to focus on what I can do, …
My Achievements
I’ve never really been comfortable talking about me, so I will keep this blog post short. Besides this Power Sales Blog is not about me. There were many ups and downs on my way to financial freedom; including being broke, out of work and fired twice. Protecting and supporting my family was a huge achievement for me. Here are others …
Who Is This For?
As previously mentioned there are a ‘gazillion’ salespeople in the US (approximately 23 million). There are a plethora of websites, blogs, advisors, and coaches that offer advice and training. I am not trying to attract every sales person out there, nor am I even attempting to imply that I am an expert in all. (Although I do agree that many …
Why Me?
So what makes me qualified to write this blog or to offer advice? There are a ‘gazillion’ salespeople in this country and almost as many people offering advice or writing blogs so what makes me different? Why should you take advice from me? Why am I doing this? Let’s start with the latter first. I’m doing this because I care. …
The History of Sales: When did we become ‘Snakes’?
Why is it that when you tell people you are salesperson they immediately put up their guard? Why don’t most people trust salespeople? When did the industry of sales change for the worse? More importantly WHY? I’m sure most people would agree that everyone sells at one time or another. As kids we sold our parents and now our kids …