Empowered Mastery

Chris’s adventure up Aconcagua Mountain; the highest mountain in the America’s

This week’s podcast is enjoyable and will get you laughing as Coach Paul Melella interviews Chris about his latest adventure in Argentina.  Chris has been touring the world, climbing high-altitude mountains for six years and countless peaks across the country for the past ten years.  He is always looking for his next adventure, and in the spirit of growth, his altitude and challenges grow as time goes on.  He has climbed notable peaks such as Kilimanjaro, Cotopaxi, Everest Base Camp, and volcanoes in Guatemala; his latest challenge was to climb the highest mountain in the Americas, Aconcagua, at 22830’.  In this podcast, Chris shares with Paul why adventure is such an essential part of his life, and why he spends so much time in nature and is always looking for a taller, more prominent, or farther expedition.  Get ready for an adventurous podcast as Chris and Paul heckle their way through the conversation.  Here are some notable takeaways:

If you are interested in an adventure like Chris has experienced, contact Embark Exploration at https://embarkexplorationco.com .  If you want to raise money for Leukemia & Lymphoma Society and experience an epic adventure, go to https://cure.lls.org/campaign/climb2cure-landing/c423188.  Whatever you do, be sure to go outside and enjoy nature.

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