Empowered Mastery

Master your internal health and rid yourself of toxins

The Master Cleanse

Do you feel yucky? Are you tired a lot? Are you not eating as well as you should? If this sounds like you… then you should look into doing one of the suggested cleanses I wrote about in my last blog post. I had suggested a few… but one of the methods is the Master Cleanse, which is a body detoxification process that’s done by simply drinking a liquid combination of cayenne pepper, grade A or B maple syrup as well as fresh lemon juice for several days so that the internal organs are cleansed. The diet is designed to assist the body and internal system in removing the toxins that have accumulated in the blood, organs and tissues. The toxins are flushed through and out the system so that bodily waste and other harmful materials left behind by food or fuel sources are removed.

What Does Master Cleanse Do For The Body?

Master Cleanse (also called Lemon Cleanse) says it can help the body be rid of the poisonous and unwanted elements that are inside of it. You should already know that too much of a good thing is in many cases very bad for you. Thus, even though there are good substances in the world, consuming too much of it can throw the body off balance, causing the body to respond with a wide array of health issues. With the help of Master Cleanse, the body can rid itself of these bad things to make it whole and well again.

How does Master Cleanse work, what are the benefits from this kind of diet?

Master Cleanse is also called as the liquid or the lemonade diet… for good reason too! When you are following this Master Cleanse diet, you cannot have any solid foods… nothing but liquids and a special lemonade. The lemonade diet lasts for only mere hours. However, if you want a thorough cleansing, follow it for several days. Normally, this type of diet should be followed for 10 days, allowing the body to a well-balanced, optimal state. Since solid foods are not allowed during this time period, there’s no chance for toxins and/or poisonous substances to build up. People who swear by these kinds of diets have said that the Master Cleanse detox diet has been very beneficial to their body, helping them in a variety of ways including:

Below is the morning, daily and nightly routines necessary for the master cleanse.  You start off with a salt water flush, followed by consuming the Master Cleanse concoction along with lots of water in between (1/2 your body weight in ounces).  At night a laxative tea will end the day.  Please see below for ingredients servings.  For more information on the salt water flush please visit SeaSaltWaterFlush.com.



Drink 1 qt salt water flush (Laxative- don’t go too far away and stay within close proximity to a bathroom lol) – 1 quart warm water – 2 tsps uniodized sea salt

Throughout the day: Drink 60 oz’s lemonade concoction.

(60 oz. daily serving):

Additionally, you may drink as much water as needed (to make you feel “full”).

Note: Cayenne pepper may help suppress hunger and has a moderate amount of B and C vitamins.  Add more if desired.

Night ( optional ): Drink an herbal laxative tea…tea with senna leaf.

How Does Senna Work?

Senna contains glycosides, which are a group of organic compounds that are commonly found in plants. These compounds work as a laxative by smoothing the muscles as digested food moves through the intestines. This helps to enhance the stool volume and move it out of the colon. The process is caused by the chain of fatty acids that promote digestion, fermentation, and successfully converting the glycosides into a purgative agent.

Senna Tea

Many people like to take herbal preparations in the form of a tea. Senna tea comes in teabags and can be found in health food stores, but some people like to use the loose leaves of Senna and brew the tea themselves. Steep the leaves in a pot of boiling water for approximately ten minutes. The leaves can also be put in cold water and steeped for 10 to 12 hours. Using cold water to steep the leaves will leave less resin in the tea, so the chances of abdominal cramping will be reduced. Regardless of the method used, once the tea is ready, strain and drink.

A common preparation is to boil 100 grams of the tea leaves in distilled water with 5 grams of fresh ginger that has been sliced. Cover and steep for 15 minutes, strain, and drink while hot. Make only the amount to drink, as the Senna tea gets stronger if it sits, and can lead to abdominal cramping. Other carminative herbs that mix well with Senna are peppermint and fennel.

Preparing for the Master Cleanse

I recommend that you stop eating any processed foods and meats a couple days or more prior to the cleanse. To start, eat raw fruits or vegetables and eventually minimize to only fresh raw juices. This may help the transition to your 10 day cleanse and be more comfortable as to potentially “shocking” your body.

Some things to think about prior to the master cleanse are how your body might react during the transition from day one to day ten.  Everybody is different and each reaction is not the same but very unique for every individual who does the master cleanse.  Typically the first three days are the hardest.  The later days you will be extremely hungry and your body will also be releasing toxins… which may cause headaches. But then you will experience a sense of clarity, energy and mental focus. My business partner Rick Wollman had experienced similar reactions when he completed his cleanse and ultimately improved his entire lifestyle of eating. You can read more about his story in his new E-Book Tale of Two Ricks.

The Master Cleanse will push out toxins that are stored in your body.  As a result over time our bodies have become acclimated to the toxins and getting rid of them can be painful.  Much like an alcoholic going cold turkey or someone who quits smoking.

On my next blog post…I will share another method of cleansing and detoxing.

Tips from this article

Tip 1  – This tip is vital for your Master Cleanse… is getting past the third day. Just focus on getting past day 3. Breaking the Master Cleanse down into smaller milestones you will be a big help.

Tip 2 – Master Cleanse is dealing with aches and soreness. Headaches are one of the most common Master Cleanse side effects, but some people also get body aches. You should find that drinking lots of water helps to reduce aches and headaches.  It’s also good to relax and not push yourself too hard when you do the Master Cleanse. Exercising should be kept to light walking, yoga and stretching. Your body will be going through a rigorous cleansing process during the Master Cleanse

Tip 3 – Master Cleanse is overcoming irritability which is something you need to be aware of before starting the Master Cleanse. It’s best to let the people around you know that you’re going to be doing the Master Cleanse ahead of time so they can do their best to accommodate you or to avoid you lol.