Empowered Mastery

My Promises

As mentioned and as you know full well, there are so many ways that salespeople can seek advice. Blogs like mine are just one of the many needles in a huge haystack. I have a deep profound respect for my peers who take the time to give back to their profession.

I would like to focus on what I can do, how I can help and most of all what I promise to do.

Rick’s 10 Blog Promises to You

  1. To always come from a place of caring and giving back
  2. I will not try to ‘sell’ you on any programs and services, except if they are FREE
  3. Not to speak down to you, preach from a pulpit and/or imply that I know everything
  4. To be truthful and speak my mind whether it’s something you want to hear or not
  5. To challenge you to be better
  6. Interact and engage my readers by making my posts entertaining, compelling and enjoyable
  7. To always provide value in every post and make you a better salesperson
  8. End future posts with Power Sales Tips
  9. Do my best to respond to comments, questions or inquiries in a timely manner
  10. Inspire you to achieve new levels of success

I would like to thank each of you in advance for taking the time to be one of my readers. I encourage you to continually give me feedback, (positive or negative) suggestions and topics for future posts. And yes by all means please share my blog with your peers.

I am extremely grateful and appreciative to each of you.

Many Thanks

Rick Wollman