Empowered Mastery

The Balanced Warrior Book-review Discussion “Outlive: The Science and Art of Longevity” by Peter Attia, M.D.

This week’s podcast is one not to miss, although we say that to all of them; however, the conversation between Mike, Paul, and Chris will surely get you reflecting on how you are living your life and planning to live in the future.  We cover a topic that people don’t want to discuss, yet, what we all spend a great deal of time training for.  What are we training for? longevity.  In this episode, Mike leads off with the insights and actionable strategies found in his newest favorite book, “Outlive,” written by a medical doctor and popular podcaster, Peter Attia. Together, the Balanced Warrior team discusses their daily habits to increase both life span AND health span. While none of the three do it the same way, all of them are committed to investing now in their physical, mental, and emotional health so that they may reap the benefits of a more vibrant and independent lifestyle as they age. And let’s face it, they are getting older but could continue to feel young. Listen in and gain great ideas on how to age gracefully and continue to do what you love for all your days!

In this episode:

Dr. Peter Attia’s book “Outlive,” his podcast, and information on his great work can be found atwww.peterattiamd.com. And if you know anyone who would benefit from this podcast or an of our conversations, be sure to share with your family and friends.  Visit empoweredmastery.com for more information, or contact us at info@empoweredmastery.com should you have any questions about Balanced Warrior and Empowered Mastery.