Empowered Mastery

Episode 16 – Keeping things in perspective over the holidays – You Have Infinite Power

This week on the YOU Have Infinite Power Podcast Grandmaster’s Paul Melella and Chris Berlow talk about gratitude and appreciation.  A lot of times we end up focusing on what we have to do to finish the year strong (especially if you’re in business) or we are crazy running around before the holidays and we often forget about what we have accomplished.  Fact is, life is short and as we get older it is getting shorter.  No, we are not in mid-life crisis mode, we are just starting to see that there are more people younger than us than older.

Last month, Chris lost his father and it made both Chris and Paul realize just how short and fragile life is.  So, as you reflect on what you accomplished in the year, be sure to set things up in 2020 so you could spend as much quality time with the people you care about and create memorable moments that count!

Here is an exercise we strongly encourage our listeners to do…

  1. Take a moment and write down all of you most memorable moments and accomplishments of 2020.  Don’t just think about the big things, include the moments you created with your loved ones that you will be able to carry with you till the end of your days.
  2. Set up your 2020 experience list now and put the experiences you would like to do in the calendar, who you will be with and why you want to do it.

There you go…finish 2019 with a reflection of gratitude to empower your 2020 and start the new year with a bang!

If you should have any questions or comments on the podcast, please reach out to either Paul or Chris at info@empoweredmastery.com or visit our website at www.empoweredmastery.com for more information on personal coaching, group coaching, speaking engagements, or the very popular Life Alignment Bootcamp!