Empowered Mastery

Why the Olympics is the greatest show on earth! And what we could learn from competitive spirit

I absolutely love watching the Olympics! To see the competitiveness and the hard work that goes into training at the Olympic level is completely awe-inspiring. When they are televised, I watch more television during the Olympics than probably the whole year combined. It doesn’t matter what sport I am watching, I am just always impressed by what it takes to be in the Olympics let alone win them.

In my youth, I had aspirations to be on the United States Olympic Taekwondo team. I remember in high school sitting in class and doodling. I would draw myself on the gold medal podium with USA written on the back of my uniform. Well, gratefully I did extremely well as a competitor winning Gold medal at the Jr. Olympics a few times, Bronze medal at the US National Championships and US Olympics Festival in 1989. (Yes, that’s over 26 years ago) I never made it to the Olympic level but I know what it feels like to compete at an elite level; and it’s both exciting and invigorating!

As I watch the Olympics in Rio I find myself both excited and sad. I am excited because again, I love the competitive nature of Olympic competition. Sad, because I came up short on the opportunity that I might have had in my past. (the sadness doesn’t last long so no worries there)

I remember back when I originally opened my martial arts school in 1999. I had the same competitive spirit. I worked diligently on doing all that it took to make the business successful. Worked late organizing and planning, teaching a ton of great high energy classes and doing all that need to be done and more. I was in a constant “zone” and was relentless in my efforts. The results were great and I had over 200 students in one year. Many of those students are still with me today.

A few years ago, I was involved in competitive mountain biking. I was by no means at an Olympic caliber but I was driven as if I were. I did all that it takes to win the NY State Series, Hudson Valley Series and competed at the US Nationals. It was awesome! I trained hard, I was confident and was living with the competitive nature that I love so much. Nationals didn’t go so well for me as I blew out my tire on the last quarter of the race but my best friend Paul Melella was crowned US National Champion in his class! It was extremely invigorating to say the least.

Ahhh, watching the Olympics brings me back to the competitive place that I love to be at and I can’t get enough of it. So what do I do now? I am 46 years old, I train in my martial arts everyday, I operate my martial arts school and Empowered Mastery and love what I do in both. I mountain bike for recreation and still challenge myself by riding hard and fast. I love to run but am quite slow on the run so I run for distance, not for speed. I hike as often as I can and will tackle any hill or mountain in front of me…excited to climb Mt. Kilimanjaro in Africa this fall. I definitely live an exciting life but still, what do I do now? How do I get the competitive feeling as I did when I was an elite Taekwondo competitor, starting my business or mountain bike racer?

My own personal Olympics

As I look introspectively at the different areas of my life and analyze how I am doing, I notice that I am comfortable. (and very happy) I am in a comfortable place with my health and vitality, my wife and I have a wonderful relationship and it’s comfortable as well as with my children and siblings. In my martial arts business, I am comfortable in where the business is as well as what I do in Empowered Mastery. Here’s the challenge, to me being comfortable is the same as being complacent. There is no Olympian on earth that competes within their comfort zone or are complacent with the results so why should I?

Olympic spirit is striving for excellence in what we do so I choose to be an Olympian in life!

I am inspired to take my competitive spirit and apply it to be the best martial artist I can be. To live a healthy lifestyle so I could have the energy to achieve and accomplish all I desire. I am committed to work harder on making the relationship with my wife more exciting and fun and do the same with my children. I am inspired to take my martial arts school to a level that it has never seen before and give my students a martial arts experience that is like no other. I am excited to take the Olympic spirit to Empowered Mastery and work to make a global impact and help individuals realize their own personal potential. I am inspired to take every aspect of my life to the Olympic level by sparking the competitive juices inside me.

What about you?

Is there an area that you really want to improve upon? Are you comfortable or complacent in your ways? Well, I challenge you to take the spirit of Olympics and apply it to whatever area you are complacent in. Here are four tips that will help you in your own personal Olympics.

1. Connect a “Why” to what you do: For many, complacency comes from losing site of the “Why”. For relationships, it could be you forgot why you are together with the significant other to begin with. For parenting it could be why you originally wanted children. For business, it could be why you went in to business to start. When you go back to your root “Why”, you regain your passion for whatever area you are too comfortable in. At Empowered Mastery, we help our clients discover and re-discover their Worthy Ideal and connect a strong why to their profession. Click here to learn more about what a “Worthy Ideal” is.

2. Get inspired: For me, it is watching the Olympics. For you, it could be watching Rocky, be listening to inspirational music, or reading success stories of those who are on top of their field. Whatever it is, search for what inspires you and put it in to your daily routines or rituals.

3. Set Goals: Now that you are inspired to fulfill your “Why”, now set some goals. Be sure to make your goals SMART.

T…Time bound

When you set SMART goals that are connected to your “Why”, anything is possible! Be sure to write them down and read them everyday until they are imbedded in your sub-conscious mind.

4. Share your Goals: It is really important to share your goals with those involved with whatever area you are working on. If it is at home, share it with your spouse, significant other and children. At business, share it with your team and all that work with you. If it is health related, share it with someone who will inspire and hopefully train with you. There is no Olympian who achieved success without a successful team around them.

In closing, I believe the Olympics truly is the greatest show on earth. The sacrifices the athletes make is unmeasurable and their commitment to their field is second to none. They take risks, they work relentlessly, they do not settle for mediocrity and strive for perfection. They are Olympians. Here’s another aspect of their greatness. The majority of Olympians are amateur athletes meaning that they do not get paid to compete. Yes, some are professionals and make a substantial living but most train in their field purely for the quest for Olympic Gold. I am excited and inspired to take that same Olympic passion to my own life. What about you?

Go USA!!!!

With great respect,
