Empowered Mastery


Hi All,

I was scheduled to post about a specific business topic but decided to change course. Here’s why.

Just came back from an incredible two week trip to Italy with my wife Sharon, yes that’s her with me in the pic. Italy is a beautiful, historic place with amazing food, wine and people. But what really made it a trip of a lifetime for me, was being with someone I truly love.

Now I’m not going to get all mushy and sappy, so stay with me.

As we go through life, we get so caught up with our careers, our kids and mundane stuff, that sometimes we neglect our relationships. We get into our daily routines and habits. Quality time with our spouse or significant other suffers. Days, weeks, months even years can go by and all of a sudden you and your spouse become strangers in the same house living separate lives. Unfortunately some of you might know what I mean.

I am definitely guilty of getting caught up in things and taking my wife for granted. If I may, here’s something she told me that really sunk in. Hope she doesn’t mind if I share with you.

When she feels we are in a rut, or out of synch she simply says I need to put some gas in the tank cause we are running on empty. In other words spend some quality time, plan a nice dinner, go to a show, or  surprise him/her with something really cool. Just put a little gas in the tank.

The two weeks in Italy, my wife and I reconnected, our relationship grew even stronger. Now I know two weeks in Italy is not something everyone can do, believe me I understand. But some of the activities we really enjoyed can easily be done here inexpensively, like;

There is so much you can do. Yes it takes a little effort and planning but I promise it is so worth it. Just something little can go a long way in having your significant other feel appreciated and loved. Besides when everything’s great at home just think how much more productive you can be in your career.

I know this post was outside the business realm, but I felt it was important. I know I am just as guilty as the next person with being lazy and taking my spouse for granted. (If my wife read this post she would probably fall of her chair, so lets keep this between us, ok?)

I’ll end with this; being a salesperson is ‘what’ we are, but being a loving, caring person defines ‘who’ we are.

Thanks for letting me share this with you.


PS – no tips on this post, not neccessary