Empowered Mastery

My 5 Magic Marketing Phrases Pt. II

Hi again. As promised, pt. II of my 5 Magic Marketing Phrases

You have my first two,

1.   Clients buy on emotion and justify their purchase with logic

2.   People don’t give a s… what you do for a living they only care what you can do for them

Now for 3rd and THE most crucial one. It is so important that I am devoting this whole post to it. When you grasp and implement this magic marketing phrase you automatically will know more about marketing than 90% of your competition. This is THE most powerful marketing phrase I have ever come across. (ok, enough of the buildup)

The key to turning any prospect into a client, is to get in the mind of your prospect, think like he/she thinks, determine their biggest financial problems, concerns and frustrations (PCF’s), create an innovative solution and clearly describe the benefits.

Yes I have said a lot here, but it is so crucial you understand so let me break it down into parts

A) The key to turning any prospect into a client, is to get in the mid of your client and think like they think

So many salespeople cant help but talk about what they feel is important; their product, themselves. Worse they speak in financial jargon that their client has no clue what they are talking about. The only person the salesperson is impressing is themselves. So put yourself in your clients shoes and think like they think. You’ll develop a much bettor rapport, and much quicker too.

B) … determine their biggest financial problems, concerns and frustrations

You MUST understand everything about your client. What are their financial problems, what frustrations do they have? When you know this, it’s like having the questions to a test the night before you take it. How easy would that be? When you get the client comfortable enough to tell you their financial PCF’s they are really telling you how to sell them. The client is telling you ‘if you could solve my financial PCF’s I’m all in with you’.

C) … create an innovative solution

Ok, so you know the client PCF’s but if you just give the same generic solution that you give to everyone else, or something your client has already heard from all the other advisor’s she’s met with, then you’re just like everyone else. You blew a golden opportunity, you did nothing to differentiate yourself. Be innovative and creative with your solutions. (of course always have your clients best interest)

D) … clearly describe the benefits

I cant tell you how many advisors mess this last part up. They either fail to describe any benefits, just some or they do so in words your clients clearly doesn’t understand. In my many years coaching salespeople and advisors over 75% cannot clearly describe all the benefits of the products/solutions they are recommending. It really blows my mind, seriously. Please, please, PLEASE know all the benefits, and be able to tell your clients with confidence, passion and purpose.

So to sum things up, when you implement the 3rd Magic Marketing phrase above and always have it in the forefront of your mind during your ‘open talk’, I promise everything else will fall right into place. You will be happier, excited and so will your client.

Almost done. See Magic Marketing Phrases Pt. III for last the last two.

FYI, you’re doing great. Keep at it!

As always thanks for reading


Tips from this article

  • This is the most powerful marketing tool you will ever learn
  • It’s like the client telling you how to sell them
  • You will know more about marketing than 90% of your competition