Empowered Mastery

Rejection and the 4 S’s

Rejection and the 4 S’s

Did you know that Salespeople face rejection more than any other industry? Rejection is all around us on a daily basis. Direct marketers who solicit us on the phone are probably the only ones who get rejected more than us.

But do you know the difference between us (salespeople) and direct marketers when it comes to rejection? It’s very simple; we care. Not to take anything away from direct marketers but their rejection is faceless. They never meet the person they are speaking to, so the rejection is not personal to them.

But with us salespeople we truly care about our clients. It’s personal. That’s why rejection stays with us for days, sometimes weeks and even months.

How can we avoid it?

Let’s start with WHY we get rejected? Rejection only really comes when we try to sell too hard. Yes let me repeat that.

Rejection only really comes when we sell too hard.

Let me explain.

Are we going to ‘sell’ everyone we meet? No
Is everyone going to like you and like what you have to offer? Of course not

So, when we come from a place of truly caring and providing value, when we do so with confidence, passion and purpose and the client still says no, how do you feel? Check that, how SHOULD you feel?

You should feel good, yes good. Why? Because you did all you could and you don’t have the time nor energy to convince or chase after these clients. Why should you?

Remember the 4 S’s         
Some Will
Some Won’t
So What
Someone Else

When you have absolute confidence in what you do and why you do it, rejection is minimalized. Furthermore the negative feelings you get become fleeting and temporary. Its on to the next person who I can inspire.

One of my clients, Joe in Minneapolis said it best, ‘I want to inspire 500 families and it looks like you’re not part of my 500. If you have a change of heart you know how to reach me.’ He walks out with his integrity intact and moves on to the next. Rejection doesn’t even enter his mind.

Yes, I know there are going to be times when a client says no and it hurts. We are human after all. But if you have the above mindset, rejection is minimalized and more importantly the negative feelings are temporary and fleeting.

Ok, but some of you are probably saying what happens when the client says they have an advisor, or I want to get another opinion, or I don’t have time, or I don’t have the money, or I need to speak to my accountant?

Those aren’t rejections, those are OBJECTIONS.

And you should feel really great about objections. As a matter of fact you should LOVE objections! Why? Well yep, you’re going to have to check out my next post.

Remember I’ve been put on a word count.

I feel like a starting pitcher in baseball who’s put on a strict pitch count.

Many Thanks

Tips from this article

Rejection only really comes when we try to sell too hard

Remember the 4 S’s

Know the difference between a rejection and an objection